Emergency Numbers to Write Down for Hard Copy at Home
Keep these numbers accessible to everyone in the house.
Keep these numbers accessible to everyone in the house.
Do you have an emergency radio? I own radios from all three of the following companies. Each of them has…
Will radio communications be helpful during the time period of post-SHTF? I recently read the following comment / question here…
“Cell phones are great but before them people used CB’s (no license needed for CB), and today a lot of…
I keep an emergency contact card in my wallet. It’s something that I’ve been doing for a number of years….
Mrs.J and I have a policy that if either of us are going outside, we let the other know… Why?…
(Midland GMRS ‘base’ or ‘mobile’ 2-way radio) 2-way radios (walkie-talkies) do not require a working infrastructure as do cell…
During a regional (or wider) disaster (e.g. major storm) and subsequent power outages, one of the main things that people…
Not only do I have a general interest in radios, but they are also an asset for emergency preparedness. Although…
Why is it that people who live rural are (generally) more friendly and helpful than people who live in population…