Get Spare Batteries For Your Devices Before The Grid Goes Down
One of the worst case scenarios that you might prepare for is the electrical power grid going down. Spare batteries will be important…
One of the worst case scenarios that you might prepare for is the electrical power grid going down. Spare batteries will be important…
A list of thoughts, ideas, and your comments regarding a good or best SHTF vehicle.
I cut open a black berkey filter element to see what’s inside…
It certainly can be an enjoyable experience. However, don’t let any of these 5 hiking mistakes ruin your outing…
A small pocket notebook. One that’s convenient enough to comfortably fit in your pocket.
Some believe that bartering during SHTF will be a solution to supply problems. However…
Why I use use Sea Foam motor treatment to clean the combustion chamber / carburetor, good maintenance, and for stabilizing gas, diesel.
There are seemingly a zillion duct tape uses. Lets brainstorm a few… And, is it called duct tape, or duck tape??
There are laws on the books which will enable the government to take your food storage and other supplies under certain circumstances…
Lessons learned: Sample and Taste some of the foods in your long term storage. Make sure it’s okay, tastes good, no surprises…