Home Burglar Security Precautions

The following is a list of security precautions to deter a home burglar.
These deterrents include factors inside and around your home, what to do when callers are at the door, when answering the phone, when you suspect an intruder is inside, and when you’re going away.
Looking for your suggestions too…
Look at your home from the outside – through the eyes of a burglar. What is it that you see (as a burglar) that might entice a burglar to break in to your home? Lots of burglaries happen at the ‘spur of the moment’ through opportunity. No-one home. Lights are out. Unlocked door. Unlocked window. Seeing valuables in the yard, or through windows. Etc.
Outdoor motion sensor lights triggered by movement are excellent burglar deterrents at night. I have written a review on what I consider to be the best motion sensor lights.
Do not to leave your car keys in a place just inside the door or where they can be seen from outside your home through a window (e.g., on a table-stand next to the door). That’s a good way to get your car stolen…
Add a deadbolt to your front and rear doors. Most ordinary locks on a typical home door are weak. Look for bump-proof locks if you decide to replace them.
Lock your windows at night and when you are away.
Is the big screen TV visible through the window by a passerby burglar? That could be tempting.
Go out one evening after dark and look at your house from the street to discover what others can see (through the windows) when your lights are on inside.
Here’ an idea – leave a HUGE dog food-water bowl at the front door, even if you don’t have a dog. It’s a good burglar deterrent.
Or you could simply get a dog ;) Most will bark an alert – as they have better ears than we do.
What do you do if a stranger knocks on your door? Here’s 21 things your burglar won’t tell you.
Consider a wireless intercom for the front door.
A spy hole in the door will let you see who’s there.
A door chain is an added bit of security if you crack open the door (be sure it’s mounted well with long screws into the frame).
Outside lighting (a burglar likes the dark).
Choose not to answer the door if you are suspicious.
Ask for ID if a caller claims to be representing a company or organization. If you are uncertain about the ID, phone the organization to check the caller is genuine. Use the telephone number given in the phone book or on your utility bill, rather than the one on the ID card.
Sometimes a bogus caller will try and distract you while an accomplice robs you, often by entering through a back door. Try and make sure other entrances into your home are locked when you answer the door.
Do not answer the phone (or leave an answering machine voice-mail outgoing message) with your name, address or telephone number.
If you do not know the caller, then avoid answering questions about yourself, no matter how innocent they sound.
If you have an answering machine or voice-mail, consider carefully before including your name or number in the message.
The message should never tell people that you are out or away. Try and give the impression that you are only temporarily unable to answer.
If you are in your home and think there is an intruder, retrieve your firearm. Call 911.
Keep a phone by your bedside, or keep your cellphone there at night.
Keep your car keys on your bedside nightstand so that you can press the alarm key on the key-fob to sound the car’s horn (a great burglar deterrent).
Consider obtaining personal protection such as a firearm. Take a training class. Practice with it.
If you come home and suspect a burglar has been inside, don’t enter the home (they may still be inside). Use a cell phone or a neighbor’s phone to call 911.
Be a good neighbor. Look out for each other. If you see anything suspicious, call the police.
Close all windows and doors whenever you leave your home. Many a burglar will gain entrance throw a partially open 1st-floor window.
Use one of those 24-hour timers when you will be away overnight to switch on-off some lights while you are away.
One clever device is a Fake-TV, which casts a realistic light at night and is a good burglar deterrent when you’re away.
If you are going out at night, draw the curtains but turn a light on so it looks like someone is at home.
If you are going away on vacation, do not to tell too many people or make it obvious, (e.g., announcing plans on social media sites), etc.
Remember to cancel papers and mail delivery. If they sit on your doorstep they tell everyone passing by that you are away.
Thorny shrubs can be added to hedges or planted under windows to discourage a burglar.
Or you might consider cutting back hedges and trees around your home which makes it difficult for a burglar to conceal themselves.
Gravel and pebbles on driveways and paths will help you to hear people approaching.
A trellis is fairly fragile and if added to the top of fences, it makes them difficult to climb, or will make lots of noise when the burglar is snapping-breaking the trellis to get over – a good deterrent. Then again, there’s always barbed wire… ;)
Watch out for people acting suspiciously.
Criminals look for predictable behavior, which makes you an easier target. Try to vary the times that you come and go and the routes that you take.
Have your keys ready when you approach your home, so you don’t have to fumble in bags or pockets for them on your doorstep.
These have been just a few ideas for safety and security at home.
What are your suggestions?