What To Do First When You Are Away And The SHTF
Having posted on this topic several times before, I would like to put out my opinion yet again, but this time at a very basic instinctual level.
You are away from home and you are in a population-dense region (like most everywhere). Maybe you are visiting relatives or friends for a few days hundreds of miles away, having driven there in your vehicle. Or maybe you’re not as far away, but still a significant distance. You might even have traveled by plane and are very far away from home.
But here’s the scenario: ‘It’ has just happened. It is a real SHTF event that will quickly have far reaching bad affects. I’m sure that you can think of a few hypothetical’s… Grid-down, nuclear explosion, EMP, multi-prong terror attack, etc.. all ‘worst-case’ scenario stuff…
So, what’s the first thing that you should probably do?
Do not hesitate. Get out
This is a notion that I have emphasized over and over again during my years of blogging.
An article titled, “What If The SHTF While You’re On Vacation?”,
You are enjoying a well deserved vacation when the worst happens – SHTF!
Not just a small localized disaster, but a true SHTF event.
It’s been in the back of your mind (since you’re a prepper) the ‘what-if’ thought.
What if you were on vacation when ‘it’ happens? The shite hits the fan.What will you do?
It’s something worth thinking about. One never knows the day or the time (if and when) the SHTF, but what if it happens while you’re away from your home base?
Given the variability in SHTF scenarios coupled with the variability of where or how far you may be from home base at the time, there’s no one clear answer to this problem. However there is some good general advise – as follows:
That may sound easy, but not necessarily. Many of us wait before we act. We want more information before committing to an action. Especially if it involves quickly separating yourself from the current situation and getting out while others are being non-committal or not recognizing the significant danger of the event.
We naturally want to know ‘what’ happened in more detail. Knowing more of the details will either emphasize the notion to get out, or it will satisfy the doubt and keep you from acting.
We naturally want to know ‘why’ it happened which will lend more insight into whether or not it might escalate even further. This will take more valuable time while analyzing.
Normalcy bias will tend to keep us where we are. We naturally do not want to accept that the $hit has just hit the fan for real. It has never happened before, so, how could it be happening now?
Some of us (including me) tend to over-analyze situations, even to the extent of slowing down our productivity or decision-making. If you have recognized that ‘it’ (SHTF) has just happened, then go with your gut. Don’t over-analyze. Act. It’s obvious.
In another article written, “Under What Circumstances Would You BUG OUT?”, which challenged readers to consider what it would take to ‘bug out’, I emphasized again… went the situation warrants it, do not hesitate…
IF you are to bug out (regardless of the circumstances and thresholds of the decision), DO IT EARLY before the masses. We’ve all seen the miles upon miles of gridlocked vehicles on the highways and bi-ways…
Where do you go?
So, I had said that you should not hesitate and that you should ‘get out’. Instinct will be strong to get back ‘home’ – wherever home is. This might be a good destination, and then again it might not. You must realize that it might take a few steps to get back home and that you might have to go somewhere else first – safer from where you are now. Maybe your home location is no longer safe, due to the SHTF event. It’s your judgement call.
How do you get there?
You get there by the safest route. Get out of harms way, wherever that way is. Do not follow the main stream, unless the main stream route is going to be safe and clear (your judgement call). It is wise to carry hard-copy maps or road atlas that covers your regions of travel.
Tip: Road Atlas Maps For Each State
When the SHTF for real, rather than listing a set of preps, precautions, or what to do 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.., I wish to get across the main point of no hesitation when you have recognized that ‘this is it’. It is situational awareness. It is a ‘survival skill’. To act. To get moving when you must. To save yourself.