If The Situation Doesn’t Feel Right, Then Retreat – Get Out
The following situational advice should be common sense. However, I’ll explain in a minute why it’s important.
The following situational advice should be common sense. However, I’ll explain in a minute why it’s important.
Turkey Cooking Time Chart – combined average roasting time from Butterball, Honeysuckle, Jenni-O, Norbest, Shady Brook, and Foster Farms.
4 excellent choices of well reviewed and popular small pocket knives with a blade length less than 3 inches, and priced under $25.
I chose this small cooler to store food in your vehicle 72 hour kit. It will moderate the temperature fluctuations.
Want to make your own bread while controlling what goes in it? Looking for the best bread machine to do it?
Plan ahead! Here are two ways how to thaw a frozen turkey, and how long it will take to do it…
It is a challenge to program a Baofeng radio through its front panel. However, there’s an easy way…
I have this particular wireless driveway alarm system. I use it a bit differently than you might expect…
I use Ziploc Freezer Bags for all sorts of things. Here’s a list of some practical uses for Ziploc bags. Lets hear your ideas too…
Lots and lots of people are vitamin D deficient. It’s important for your immune system. Here’s what to do…