Thin Veneer Of Civilization
The veneer of civilization is thin and fragile. When the layers are peeled back, it’s not a pretty sight—it can become downright ugly.
The veneer of civilization is thin and fragile. When the layers are peeled back, it’s not a pretty sight—it can become downright ugly.
Solar Storm 2024 began on May 8, 2024, when sunspot region AR 3664 began unleashing X flares and CMEs at Earth.
Given the state of our world, you might think about some considerable preparedness for the rest of this year and beyond.
We are vulnerable beyond belief. Warnings of cyberattack are in the news and media, more and more. Is it predictive programming?
Are we really just 9 meals from anarchy and chaos? You better take food security into your own hands, no one else will..
I would say it’s a systemic risk for the 98 percent who literally depend on fewer than 2 percent farmers for their food.
Based on 2020 census data, and updated urban area definition, approximately 80% of the US population technically live in an urban area.
To Bug Out. Evacuate. Leave the area. What if there is a disaster of sufficient magnitude such that you MUST GET OUT?
Usually it’s fixed fairly quickly with linemen working the problem. But, “what if” a long term grid down? What happens after it goes down?
Ever wondered what’s inside all those trains rolling down the tracks? Here’s a quick breakdown of the freight transported /moved by rail.