Remember When We Used To Play Outside When We Were Kids?
It sure is different from when I was a kid when we would play outside. In my view, the lifestyle of most our kids has changed dramatically.
It sure is different from when I was a kid when we would play outside. In my view, the lifestyle of most our kids has changed dramatically.
Be prepared, not scared. The preparedness mindset is too often associated with fear, worry, or even paranoia. But it’s not true…
Factors to consider for survival places that may be better to live than others. A list of things to consider while looking.
Come join me on a journey that will liberate you to the extent you let it…
The terms are often interchangeably. However there is a distinct difference between Self Reliance and Self Sufficiency…
A short-story about why dogs don’t live as long as humans – as answered by a 6-year-old. Lessons learned…
Are you thinking about a remote property? Away from the conveniences of built-in infrastructure such as a municipal water supply?
I believe that working towards these three goals will change your life. I can tell you that it’s worth the effort.
A list of ten things to consider while starting out in the realm of preparedness.
Striving to be more self sufficient costs money, time, labor. It can become all consuming depending on extent. But is it all worth it?