Prepping and Preparedness
An overview of prepping categorized into levels (1-2 weeks), (1-2 months), (1 year), and (self-sustainability to the extent taken).
An overview of prepping categorized into levels (1-2 weeks), (1-2 months), (1 year), and (self-sustainability to the extent taken).
A time of excessive uncertainty, possibly upheaving turmoil, and maybe a true SHTF. But you will have no control over any of that. So…
Prepping and Preparedness as it relates to Independence.
Critical thinking. The ability to think, analyze, make good decisions – not only for prepping & preparedness, but life’s journey itself.
Maybe its just more of that me-me-me BS that has taken over, and a tinge of just plain rude – Sheesh, I see it everywhere…
Filed under ‘Lifestyle’, given the many differences between the preparedness-minded and the mainstream public (‘others’).
Relying on yourself in your personal life, your work life /career, and in the context of this blog… self-reliance /preparedness.
Surely, a percentage of the preparedness-minded fantasize about living at their own survival retreat (bug out location) full time. But how?
If you don’t prepare, you could lose everything — If you prepare for the worst and nothing happens, you’ve lost nothing. A prepper motto…
Persistence and Determination. Unfortunately, when times get tough, you need to “embrace the suck” to get through it. Here’s what I mean…